4 minutes — The Difference Between Selling And Closing

4 min readJan 24, 2022


Are You Selling or Closing ?

The difference between closing and selling a lot of salespeople or professionals or business people, they do a lot of selling, right? They think of as like more pushing, you’re pushing someone to buy your product. You’re pushing your features and benefits. And you’re trying to get them to a tube to ticket action sign here, or click here to buy something Is always a force, right? Is It brute force? That’s not what you want.

You’re making them aware of what’s the cost of inaction. What if they don’t do something? So then by the end of your persuasion process, your sales presentation, or your, your sales call, they would feel, oh, wow. It is the only logical step that for them to move forward and buy your product and service. Don’t know how to close, if you don’t know how to ask for that sale and not ask for it, like begging for it, but asking strategically with fineness that they would want to give you the sell.

They will want to give you the deal. They want to sign the agreement. If you don’t know how to close, you’re Not going to make money. You could do everything right up to the 90%. But at the end, if they don’t feel good, they don’t feel comfortable about pulling the trigger.

You’re not going to get this sale. Closing Is a science and it is an art. And that’s what people don’t get, right That they do selling, selling, selling, selling, selling, selling, selling. They don’t know how to close Closing actually starts the second that you open your mouth. In some cases, even before that, I’ll give you a perfect example. I want to make this concrete. So a lot of people, they wait till the very end to talk about price because they will show the features.


They will show the benefits to talk about the offer. Talk about The guarantee and at the end, oh, by the way, here’s how much This is going to cost. And then the prospect would freak like, oh, well that’s not within my budget. Oh, I don’t have that much money. All. What should I do? Like, I, I can do this. Well, let me think about it. I’ll get back to you. Then all the objections come up.

You don’t wait to the very end. Then You find out they actually not qualified to buy them. Why? Why we go through all these things? Paso in the very, very beginning, you would ask them qualifying questions such as, Hey, Mr. Prospect. Let’s pretend my solution could solve your problem. I could Do ABCD for you.

You do, you have a budget set aside to, to pay me or someone else to solve this problem for you, right? Could you share that with me and run the numbers? Roughly? How much are we working with? What are you comfortable investing? What are you comfortable putting down? You’re asking those types of questions and they will say, oh, I’ve got X. I’ve got Y, okay, let’s go from there. You would focus on the money

Talk About Money Upfront

First, but you talk about money. You’re not afraid to talk about money. So at the end, then the objection doesn’t come up, but you don’t need to now try to fight at the very last minute, try to handle the objection, forget it. You’ve already done that in the beginning, because then when they, at the end say, I want to think about it. All that, you know, it’s not money. It’s something else because you’ve already preempt the money.

Objection, upfront. Right? So that’s part of closing, selling you. Just talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. And you hope that the closing it’s, you’re asking very strategic questions. You’re guiding them through the sales process and at the end, then they would buy it so close.

This is our 4 minute . See You Next Time

Originally published at https://www.a4sheet.xyz.




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